Tuesday, 18 January 2011

A2 Coursework

This page shows the development of an initial idea (shown at the bottom of the page). The ideas were created using Google Sketch Up 7.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

The following photographs were taken during my time in Argentina.

Initial Ideas

This work is for my A2 Resistant Materials project which involves designing and manufacturing a work station for a teenager. The picture shows initial ideas which were created using coloured pencils and markers.
More initial ideas.
This piece of work was created for my AS project which required me to design a light feature for my local town. This product was the outcome of the development of an initial idea.
This page shows the development that was done in order to create the final idea above. These drawings were also created using highlighters and coloured pencils.


I designed and manufactured this product for my GCSE coursework. The unit is in the shape of a dollar sign and is used to store an xbox, speakers, dvd's, books and other items. The product was manufactured out of plywood and used the laminating process to create the curves on either side.

A2 Coursework

This page is from my A2 folder and shows a desk that I designed using Google Sketch Up 7 and annotations.
This page shows development of the chosen idea that I have decided to take forward. The pictures on the page were produced in Google Sketch Up 7.
These are initial ideas that were created in Google Sketch Up 7 for my A2 project.
This was the initial idea that I chose to take further and develop, as shown above.